Resident Name: Unit Name/Address: Cell Phone Email If contract doesn't sell are you moving out anyway? ---YesNo Should ARM hold your contract for someone? ---YesNo If yes, Name: (This should ONLY be used if you have a specific person you want to sell the contract to (ex. family member or close friend); this is not required or encouraged. It is the seller’s responsibility to keep ARM informed in writing if this name changes, or if this person decides not to purchase the contract so the contract can be made available for other interested prospective residents.) Please select term(s) you are selling: ---Fall/Winter/Spring/SummerWinter/Spring/SummerSpring/SummerSpring/Summer & Renewal FWSSSummer What day are you moving out?: **The contract for the new resident will begin the day after your release date (your contract release form will state your release day, which could be after the date listed above). It is your responsibility to make sure your unit is clean and ready for the next resident. You must turn in your keys, parking pass, etc. to Aspen Ridge Management, not to the person who purchases your contract. If move out dates fall over the weekend or a holiday it is the responsibility of the seller to make prior arrangements with ARM to return the keys and for the buyer to receive their key and check-in packet.** Are you offering your contract at a lower rate & subsidizing the remaining rent?: ---YesNo If yes, this agreement must be made between the buyer and seller and will not involve ARM. ARM will not negotiate rents, etc for residents who are selling their contracts. ARM will not deduct subsidized rents from security deposits. For seller’s protection, any subsidy amounts should be paid to ARM in behalf of the new resident, not directly to the new resident. If seller pays anything to Aspen Ridge Management for the buyer the seller MUST email so funds that are paid by the seller can be moved to the buyer’s account. Seller’s Security Deposit CANNOT be given to the new resident. RENTER'S STATEMENT I, , hereby give notice of intent to sell my contract for the time period listed above. I give my permission to ARM to sell my contract to any qualified applicant on a first come, first serve basis (unless I filled in a name to hold the contract for above). I understand that I am financially and legally responsible for my contract throughout the entire contractual period, and will be released from such responsibilities only when the contract is sold. I understand that it is my responsibility to find a suitable replacement. ARM will provide assistance, but will not be responsible if the contract does not sell. I understand that I am responsible to advertise and list my opening with BYU Off-Campus Housing, put up for rent signs, etc. I agree to pay the contract sell fee as listed in my rental agreement/addendum. I understand I am not released from my contract until I receive a Contract Release Form from ARM. I understand once my contract is sold the move out date listed on the Contract Release Form is the new end date of my contract, and I must be completely moved out of the unit by 12 noon on this date and will follow the checkout procedures listed in my contract, or the penalties listed in the contract will apply. I will hand deliver my keys, self-addressed stamped envelope, and parking pass (if applicable) to ARM at the time I move out so my key is available for the new resident or I be assessed the related penalties. Resident's Signature: Date New forwarding address:: (this address will be used for deposit refunds if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is not given at checkout)