All fields are required:

    Property to rent:

    Unit #

    Bedroom Request (Shared, Private, Master, etc.):

    Note: most of our contracts are a full year, beginning fall semester in August, running August through August. You would be required to sell the spring/summer portion of the contract if you are not planning to stay. Please ask for a select few units that may offer fall/winter only.
    Semesters applying for: Fall/Winter/Spring/SummerSpring/Summer
    Desired Move-In Date:
    Are you applying with a group of friends? YesNo
    If yes, please list all proposed roommates:
    Are you planning on staying or selling spring/summer? StayingSelling
    (If selling, you will be required to submit an INTENT TO SELL form)
    Are you buying somebody's contract? YesNo If yes, whose contract"
    First Name: Last Name: Age
    Email Address: Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
    Cell Phone: Home Phone:
    Current Address:
    Permanent Address:
    Sex: MF Legal Status: SingleMarriedDivorced
    Social Security or Student ID#: BYU Net ID#:
    Current Landlord: Phone:
    Past Landlord: Phone:
    Do you have a car? YesNo
    Year: Make: Model: Plate #: State:
    Have you ever been evicted from any tenancy or defaulted on any rental agreement? YesNo
    Have you ever willfully or intentionally refused to pay rent when due? YesNo
    Have you ever served in the military? YesNo
    Have you ever left a tenancy with amounts owed on a contract? YesNo
    Have you ever been dismissed from BYU for nonacademic reasons? YesNo
    Do you smoke? YesNo
    Have you ever been arrested? YesNo
    Are you a convicted sex offender? YesNo
    Do you qualify for BYU-Contracted housing? Check the appropriate box:
    BYU StudentBYU evening studentBYU flex GE studentBYU English Language Center studentBYU Salt Lake Center studentBYU-Hawaii studentBYU-Idaho studentEnsign College student
    Do you understand and agree to abide by the BYU Residential Living Standards if accepted as a tenant?
    (If you want to read them, ask to see a list of the standards) YesNo
    If accepted, are you prepared to pay the DEPOSIT at the time of signing the contract? YesNo
    How did you hear about us?
    I understand that this is a routine application to establish credit, character, employment and rental history. I also understand that this is NOT an agreement to rent and that all applications must be approved. I authorize verification of references given. I declare that the statements above are true and correct, and I agree that the landlord may terminate my agreement entered into in reliance on any misstatement made above.
    I agree to pay a $50 application fee to have this application processed, and turn in payment with this application. The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable for any reason.
    Please upload your BYU student ID, Acceptance letter or class schedule so we are able to verify your student status:
    Applicant Signature: