NON-BYU RENTAL APPLICATION All sections are required: Last Name First Name Middle Name Soc. Sec. # Date of Birth Driver's Lic. # State Home Phone # Present Address City State Zipcode Date In Date Out Owner/Mgr. Name Owner/Mgr. Phone Reason for Moving Previous Address City State Zipcode Date In Date Out Owner/Mgr. Name Owner/Mgr. Phone Reason for Moving Next Previous Address City State Zipcode Date In Date Out Owner/Mgr. Name Owner/Mgr. Phone Reason for Moving Proposed Occupants (List all in addition to yourself) Name Age Name Age Name Age Name Age Name Age Name Age Name Age Name Age Will you have pets? YesNo Describe Will you have liquid filled furniture? YesNo Describe Present Occupation Employer Name How long with this employer? Employer Address Name of Supervisor Employer Ph. # Prior Occupation Employer Name How long with this employer? Employer Address Name of Supervisor Employer Ph. # Current Gross Income? Per WeekMonthYear Please list ALL of your financial obligations below. Name of Creditor Address Phone Number Mon. Pymt. Amt. In Case of Emergency Notify Contact Name* Relationship* Address City State Phone Contact 2 Name Relationship Address City State Phone Personal References Reference Name Length of Acquaintance Occupation Address Phone 2nd Reference Name Length of Acquaintance Occupation Address Phone Automobiles Make Model Year Lic. Plt. # Make Model Year Lic. Plt. # Motorcycles (Other Vehicles) Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? YesNo Do you smoke? YesNo Have you ever been evicted or asked to move? YesNo Have you ever served in the military? YesNo Have you ever been arrested? YesNo If yes, please explain: APPLICANT REPRESENTS THAT ALL THE ABOVE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND HEREBY AUTHORIZES VERIFICATION OF THE ABOVE ITEMS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE OBTAINING OF A CREDIT REPORT AND AGREES TO FURNISH ADDITIONAL CREDIT REFERENCES ON REQUEST. THE UNDERSIGNED MAKES APPLICATION TO RENT HOUSING ACCOMMODATION DESIGNATED AS: Apt. No Located At The rental for which is $ Per I understand that this is a routine application to establish credit, character, employment and rental history. I also understand that this is NOT an agreement to rent and that all applications must be approved. I authorize verification of references given. I declare that the statements above are true and correct, and I agree that the landlord may terminate my agreement entered into in reliance on any misstatement made above. Please attach a drivers License or Photo ID: Dated: Office Address: 334 East Center St. Provo, UT 84606 Phone (801) 607-1680 Fax (801) 377-4343 Applications are accepted after hours via fax or in the drop box. How did you hear about us? ---WebsiteFacebookFor Rent Name of the friend who referred you: Desired move-in date: Email Address